Article from Milpitas Post
Regional Medical Center of San Jose, a hospital that serves Santa Clara Valley and the greater Bay Area, has completed a $330-million expansion to its facility at 225 N. Jackson Ave.
On Dec. 5, a ribbon-cutting ceremony symbolically opened Regional Medical Center's new four-story hospital tower, which faces McKee Road, with all private rooms that will see new patients this January.
The project also includes a new two-story hospital wing, emergency room expansion and renovation, a breast care center, expanded intensive care unit, elevated helipad and laboratories.
Bev Mikalonis, vice president of marketing and communications at Regional Medical Center, said the work to improve the hospital built in 1965 met California's seismic requirements for hospitals.
She added the work also brought new technologies and service lines to serve Santa Clara County residents.
"It's a multi-phase project that started about eight years ago," Mikalonis said.
The renovation work at Regional Medical Center, a 358-bed acute care hospital that serves as a trauma center, was privately funded and provided more than 2,000 construction jobs to the community, according to Mikalonis. Regional is owned by HCA, Hospital Corp. of America.
"We are moving our current beds to the new facility, which will leave more room for outpatient services in the current building," Mikalonis said. "Our emergency department and trauma center are among the busiest in the area; they serve more than 65,000 patients every year."
Last week's ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed as well as Mike T. Johnson, president and chief executive officer of Regional Medical Center, among other dignitaries.