Regional Medical Center hosts Day of the Girl Empowerment Expo
San Jose, CA – (October 10, 2022) – In recognition of International Day of the Girl, Regional Medical Center of San Jose will host Day of the Girl Empowerment Expo for students with an interest in healthcare and science on Wednesday, October 11, 2022 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
A diverse range of students from Oak Grove High School’s Biotechnology Pathway program and Andrew Hill High School’s Medical Magnet program will participate in the event which will feature female speakers in healthcare from Regional Medical Center. The roster of healthcare leaders and executives will offer the students inspiration and practical tips to use on their educational and career journey.
“We’ve hosted a Science and Technology Career Day for local high school students for the last two years and noticed the majority of participants who attended are young men. We hope to inspire and encourage young women from our community to explore those fields as well,” said Cris Rivera, CEO of Regional Medical Center.
At the event, students will be given the opportunity to explore booths to learn about various clinical and non-clinical roles from our female leaders. Regional Medical Center team members will also work with students to do a hands-on demonstration of “Stop the Bleed,” a program that teaches people how to stop external bleeding in a severely injured person. While the expo features female speakers and celebrates International Day of the Girl, male students are also invited to be inclusive.
“Far too often, students from the East Side of San José are already spoken for and told that their dreams are not worth fighting for,” said Peter Ortiz, San Jose City Council Member. “For that reason, it’s critical that they, especially our girls, be exposed to diverse, exciting, and high paying career paths. Exposure, coupled with mentorship and access to resources makes all the difference, and I’m incredibly grateful to Regional Medical Center’s Women’s Colleague Network, ESUHSD, and all the partners that came together to make this event a reality!”
This event has been organized by Regional Medical Center’s Women’s Colleague Network. The hospital is proud to have a diverse workforce which includes many female and male leaders and colleagues.
By the numbers
Colleagues: 940 female out of 1,352 total
Management: 52 female out of 68 total
Executive Team: 6 female out of 6 total
Physicians: 134 female out of 455 total
Media advisory
What: Day of the Girl Empowerment Expo
Where: Regional Medical Center (Main hospital lobby)
225 N. Jackson Ave.
San Jose, Ca. 95116
When: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 11, 2022
10:00 a.m. Welcome
10:05 a.m. Speaker (City Councilman Pete Ortiz)
10:10 a.m. Panel-Mapping your career journey in healthcare
10:55 a.m. Keynote Speaker, Cris Rivera, CEO Regional Medical Center
11:30 a.m. Stop the Bleed Hands-on session with instructors
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Exploration Booths
2:00 p.m. Wrap Up & Dismiss
Who: Cris Rivera, CEO of Regional Medical Center
Jina Canson, RMC Chief Nursing Officer
Laleeta Chand, RMC RN Case Manager
Maria Pizarro, RMC Patient Safety Coordinator
Anna Caballero, RMC Supervisor of Environmental Services
Anna Greco Gonzalez, RMC IT
Why: To inspire youth to think about a career path, ignite their interest in healthcare, and empower them by providing female role models that can help guide them.
*Students who can speak to the media will be pre-identified by their teacher.